Help us with our funds

We rely on our local friends and supporters and visiting walkers to help fund our work. We mainly use individual donations to deal with problems reported by the general public.

Make a donation

The simplest way to donate to CROWS is to use JustGiving – an online platform for giving to charities. We are registered with the Charity Commission (RCN 1201645) and with HMRC (Ref EW21852). For example with Gift Aid, a donation of £10 will be worth £12.50 to us at no extra cost to you. You can make one-off or regular donations.


Donate with JustGiving.Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American express, PayPal, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.


Donate with JustGiving.Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American express, PayPal, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.

Other ways you can make a donation

  • You can send a cheque to us at Unit 3, Mount Shed, Banksfield Road Mytholmroyd, HX7 5NW or
  • You can to do a bank transfer, our bank details are Yorkshire Bank, sort code 05-09-59, account no 39334282 or
  • Just email us and we will contact you and talk about how you might help.

Leaving a gift in a will

If you have enjoyed walking in our local landscape and are planning to make a will, can we ask you to consider leaving a small legacy for the maintenance and improvement of footpaths and bridleways in the area for future users? You may want to suggest a favourite walking area where you would like us to spend the money.

Your will is personal and we will never ask you to tell us your decision (although we’d love to have the opportunity to say thank you).

A plaque we produced for one of our volunteers who died in 2020

If preferred, any donation through a legacy can be completely anonymous, i.e. not shared with the general public.

We can acknowledge the donation on our blog entries for work done through the funding. We can also produce a plaque as an acknowledgement.

We will always agree the wording and format of any acknowledgement with you or your family.

As well as legacies, CROWS would be delighted to receive a donation in memory of a friend or family member. Again, we can work in a suggested or favourite area.

If you would like to talk over anything about legacies or memorials, please do get in touch by email with a contact number.

Donating in Kind

If you have any tools, equipment or materials that you think we may be able to use, please send us an email with the details, we are happy to collect. If you are aware of any sources of funding we might be eligible for, please drop us a line.

Going on a Ramblers Holiday?

Ramblers Holidays operate in the UK and all around the world. When you make a booking quote the name of CROWS and we will receive a contribution from Ramblers Holidays.